We have had a steady stream of medical staff in here today, so I haven't had a chance to update.
Kate had a good night and seems more like herself this morning. I think it's because she was able to eat the tomato soup last night, which made her thirsty, and she drank a lot before going to bed. HOORAY!!
She was awake past midnight. ugh.
They came to talk to me about the meds she will have to take for the rest of her life. Honestly, I think I will need to grieve a little for her about some of the things they said.
-No pregnancy
-Weekly blood draws for lab testing because of the Coumadin (gradually they should be able to get that down to monthly or every 5-6 weeks) They have ordered a finger poke machine so that I can eventually do her labs at home but that will take three months to arrive.
-Easy bruising, need to be extra careful with her re: falls, bumps, etc. No rough play
-No gym class when she is older, due to the possibility of hard bumps or falls
The hardest part to hear was the 'no pregnancy' and the Coumadin for life, that will require blood draws. (Coumadin is a blood thinner that she has to take to help prevent blood clots in her heart conduit.)
She is such a nurturer, that I know she will mourn the lack of ability to have children. Since she has such severe heart disease, it would seem doubtful that she would be able to adopt, either. She would never pass the medical requirements.
I know that God has great plans for her and that she will have a wonderful, fulfilling life no matter what her medical condition is. I just need to take some time to grieve for her losses. She is so utterly precious. I am so blessed to be her Mama.