Wednesday, April 15, 2009

8:45AM Update - Wed.

The nurse said she was stable again during the night. She is still running a fever, so is needing the ice water wash cloths. They have upped her to their biggest-gun antibiotic to cover any possibility of infection. Her cultures were clear so far.

She is still dumping all the fluid they are putting into her, so no change there. Her blood pressure is still too low, but not in a danger area.

Her pacemaker was turned down for awhile last night, but they had to turn it back up to 155 beats per minute. The nurse doesn't know why - so she will try to find out and let me know. The goal is to get her heart to beat on it's own--but first be able to turn the pacemaker down to 110.

Her oxygen levels have been pretty good throughout (yay!) which is giving us those pink toe nails. :)

These are the machines keeping her alive. What an amazing place! We are so blessed to be here with such wonderful surgeons, doctors and nurses. I am thankful that God gives surgeon's their brilliant minds!