Kate's blood pressure is UP!! WOOHOO!!! It has been steadily rising today and tonight I was shocked to see the top number go into the 90's! :) YAY! They are doing a great job of keeping her pumped full of fluid so that her blood pressure can stay up. She has her own nurse who stays by the bed day and night because that is the only way they can keep up with the fluid dumping out of her chest tubes. Too bad she's unaware of the great service! :) (Wouldn't it just figure that the one time in your life that you can be waited on hand and foot, you're too sick to enjoy it?)
The fluid output is the main issue and that will most likely continue for awhile. One of the tubes just got clogged again with some blood clots, but thankfully, the nurse noticed and started working hard to fix it. It's a tedious process for them to 'strip' the tubes. She is still working on it right now because she hasn't been able to get it completely open. It the fluid output goes into Kate's chest instead of draining, it will compress her heart which can stop it.
I talked to a different doctor about how long Kate will have to stay. She said that no one knows. So maybe the seven weeks comment was a guess. This doctor said it could be two weeks, it could be 10 weeks. Since we don't know, we'll just have to wait and pray!
I'm so sorry if I am repeating myself in some of these posts. It's hard to remember what I've already said.
Little Katie-bug looks the same as she did yesterday so I haven't taken too many pictures. She is getting some visitors in a little while, so maybe I will post some pics later.
THANK YOU for your prayers and emails of encouragement!!! I have my laptop by her bed with wireless Internet, so I can sit and read while she sleeps.