Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Flip-flop kind of day

Any day that you can wear flip-flops outdoors is a good day. And guess what....


The oinking flu is slowly making its way through the kids, but honestly, it is not as horrible as it sounds. The older girls are feeling much better. Two of them have been fever free for 24 hours, but they are still coughing, which prevents them from going to school. I know their cough is still contagious, so I don't want to share the love with their classmates. Taylor is happy to have eeked out a 99.4 degree temp so that he can stay home tomorrow. I am only letting him stay home because he has had a really bad headache for two days, which is part of the virus. Jake and Jordan both have fevers, but as long as I keep them controlled with meds, they can play happily.

Since it was warm today--68 degrees! Woohoo!!--we all went outside and played.

Jake and Zoey love to ride two-wheelers with training wheels but they haven't mastered the art of steering. They ride like maniacs and when they want to stop, they kind of aim in the general direction of grass. When they hit the grass, they lean so that the bike tips over and they tumble off. They quickly hop up, brush themselves off and announce to all nearby, "I okay!"

"I can't stop! Lean to the right!"

"Brakes are over-rated. This is way more fun!"

'I okay!"
"Me, too!"
"Wheeeee...let's do that again!"

Sweet Kate, is still struggling to figure out how pedals work. She resembles someone who is learning to drive a stick-shift with a clutch. Start. Stop. Start. Roll backwards. Stop. Start.

She fell over too, but not on purpose. She started to cry and then stopped and said, "I okay!"

"Pssst...I just played a joke on my sisters..."

I love the look on Jordan's face as he looks at Chloe--who had him on her lap on the swing.

Chloe's first day of feeling well.

"Mom...I dwibing my bike into da woods."
Translation: Mom, I'm driving my bike into the woods.

"Awww...Mom...I'm stuck in da wocks."

"Pleeeeeese, help me move my bike, Mom. Pleeeese."

"I REALLY need some help. I'll give you my cutie-pie face so you can adore me."

There is something so precious about a little boy, his Radio Flyer trike and cheap knock-off Converse tennis shoes.