"Mom...why do my ears feel funny and I can't hear anything?
"Mom, can you
PLEASE give Chloe some more cough medicine? We can't hear the TV because she's coughing so loud."
"Why do I have so much snot going down my throat?"
"Mom, we're out of kleenex."
"When will I be better?"
"Mom, do you think I sound funny?"
"Mom...Mom...I sick. I
need medithin."
"Okay, Jake, after your medicine, you need to take a nap."
"Oh." Long pause... "Mom, I
not sthick. I stay awake and play."
"Mom...I sick, too. I want thum medithin, too."
"Zoey, you are not sick. You don't need any medicine."
Hanging head and giving me a fake pout, "Oh. Okay."
Seeing SaraGrace get an M&M to take away the taste of yukky medicine, the little girls start clamoring for some. "Mom...Mom...can we have some candy?"
Instantly and clear as a bell, Jake said, '
No you may not!"We all cracked up! Jake's speech is not usually that clear, but he has that phrase down pat. I couldn't figure out where he had heard it...and then...duh...I found myself saying it later in the day. :) I guess they do listen to me after all.
Since I've had some ask questions about the flu situation...
you can trust me...I'm a trained professional...wink,wink...- SaraGrace and Kate have had no symptoms but their cardiologist put them on Tamiflu as a preventative. (The pediatrician would not do this--I was told that Tamiflu cannot be used to prevent flu. Who to believe? The cardiologist made his decision after talking to the Infectious Disease specialists at Boston Children's Hospital)
- Now that my two 'heart babies' are on Tamiflu, I am wondering what will happen when they stop taking it? Should I get the vaccine for them? I'm not sure what to do. Will keep praying for wisdom. The Tamiflu for kids is a liquid that was mixed for them and only good for 10 days, so I wasn't able to save it for later.
- I saw on the news last night that 1 out of 5 children in the U.S. has had a flu-like virus this October. It is believed to be piggy flu. So...if your child had a fever of 102 or above for a few days, cough, and/or sore throat, you can be reasonably sure your child had h1N1. I know some of you are trying to decide whether or not to get your kids vaccinated, but it might not be necessary if they have already been sick.
- My school aged girls who are sick are not going to school even after being fever free for 24 hours because the school doesn't want them back if they are coughing--still contagious. (And Jillian went fever-free for 24 hours and then was feverish a good part of the day yesterday.)
- So far, SaraGrace, Kate, Zoey, Ryan, Jeff and I have not gotten sick--thank you, Jesus!! I do remember the sw*ne flu from the 70's but I don't remember if I got sick or not. Even though that particular strain was different, Jeff and I must have some type of immunity or I think we would be sick by now. I always get what my kids have. yuk.
I'm thankful that everyone is doing reasonably well--so far no need for antibiotics.
Yesterday, during a lull in fevers, and after having them beg me to go outside and ride their bikes, I decided to take them to the lake. I explained that I thought they should take it easy and that riding bikes was too strenuous. However, it was 70 degrees and I thought some fresh air would do them good. There is a very short trail around part of the lake and I thought they could probably handle that.

Follow the Leader

Not sure why I like this photo--but I do

"I'm donna put dis stdick into da wadder."
I'm gonna put this stick into the water.

A sailboat fortuitously floated by but the sun went behind the clouds, so the photo isn't very pretty

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