Friday, May 15, 2009

Things I Never Thought I'd Say, See, or Experience

*The other day at the grocery store I actually had the fleeting thought, "I wonder if someday I will be buying Depends and Pampers at the same time."

*I have hair that has a mind of it's own. If I don't blow dry it immediately after getting out of the shower, it will not turn out right. No one wants a bad hair day. The moment I turn on my blow dryer, Zoey walks into the bathroom. She then begins to dance around and motion that she needs to go potty.
It's like the sound of the blow dryer signals her bladder to drain. I have to stop what I'm doing and pull her pants down--which is no small feat. She is a chubby little thing and her clothes have to be tugged and pulled before they will go down. Coming up is even harder. I set her on the toilet and she pinches out a minuscule few drops, smiles and says, "Done!" Why I fall for this every day, I have no idea.

*I never thought I would let a child out of the house with two different flip-flops on. (I did this unknowingly.)
*I never thought that a year later, in a moment of desperation, I would actually SUGGEST that one of my kids just grap two unmatching pairs of flip-flops.

*I never thought I would take a photo of the word, "Poop" that one of my teens wrote in the dust on our table. When I was a kid, we weren't even ALLOWED to say the word, "Poop." Gasp....