Some of the kids and I went for a hike in the woods today. It is so pretty right now...the flowering trees are pretty much done, but there are a lot of spring wildflowers blooming.
When we returned home, the little kids were done napping and came outside to play in the yard.
Zoey has taken a liking to this baseball hat she found in the closet. It completely escaped her attention that the hat and her ruffled shirt were incongruous.
" got, like, three feet of air that time." -Napoleon Dynamite
"There once was a girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead..."
Kate is recovering well, although we have noticed that she is a bit puffy around the eyes. She also had some unusual sweating this morning that concerned us. I upped her Lasix (which the doctor gave me latitude to do), and we are hoping it does the trick.
Can you stand the cuteness?! This morning during church, I heard the people behind us say, "That little guy is so cute but you can sure see the mischief in his eyes." Snicker.... Oh, if they only knew...