Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My chutzpah

Would you believe that Jeff and I were discussing a housing related math situation last night and I had the unmitigated gall to make some suggestions? Yes. He patiently responded with a few 'but...' answers and finally, I just looked at him and said wryly, "I suppose I should just not get involved in this conversation since it involves MATH."

He smiled graciously and said nothing. I love him!

I also stink at cooking. I loathe it. My older boys make fun of my culinary disasters. (You just gotta love God's sense of humor giving ME 10 kids, don'tcha think?) So my husband, who apparently has more faith in me than I do, just called to see if a colleague could come over for dinner tonight. He is actually going to risk a serious humiliation. Quick...someone please send me an easy, five ingredient (or less) yummy main course that I could make for 'company.' I know that some of you are very talented in this area. And yes, it has to be easy because I have to clean the house, too. He's lucky that I already did my hair today because I pretty much agree with the woman who said,
"It's me or the house. We can't both look good."
In other news....

Katie-bug was feeling well enough to celebrate her birthday yesterday, so she had her very first American style birthday. She was VERY excited to get cake and presents. I tried to take photos of her jumping up and down and saying, "Yay!" but they all turned out awful, so you will have to take my word for it.

Jillian organized a little painting party so that the little kids could make birthday 'cards' for Kate.

I prefer not to know why this was the chosen painting attire.

Making the cake with a little help from Kate and Jake. I was so sad (NOT) to relinquish this duty to Jillian, who (gasp) watches cooking shows and loves to bake.

Jillian, decorated the cake all by herself.

Happy Birtday, Sweet Katie-bug!

"Yay! Kai Lan... just what I wanted!"