Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Mama, I Siiiiick."

Colds and and tummy viruses have been traveling through our family. Nothing major--just annoying. Yesterday, SaraGrace had a fever and diarrhea and got to spend the day in Mommy and Daddy's room, watching TV.

This morning, Jake came downstairs saying his tummy hurt. He didn't eat more than two bites of his breakfast and began telling me how he just wanted to lie on the couch because, "I tink I gonna barwf." Awwww....poor little guy. Doesn't he look pathetic lying there with his barf bucket?

"Quickly, I whipped up the ability to look pitiful."

Eventually, he asked if he could go upstairs. The next time I saw him, he was sitting here:

Does he look sick to you? HA!

He made a remarkably fast recovery after getting a little TV fix.

This totally cracked me up. What's with the coonskin cap?

Later in the day, he found a new use for his barf bucket. Fortunately, it hadn't been used.

In other news....drum roll please...We got a post card from Ryan today!!!! Only two sentences, but ohhhh, it was so good to hear from him. We still don't have an address to write him back but hopefully that will come soon.