Here in Massachusetts, they have different names for things than in the Midwest. For example, pop is called soda, tennis shoes are called sneakers, and sledding is called sliding.
We did some sliding yesterday. After my initial face-plant into the snow, I kinda wanted to go back out there in some snowpants and boots. Maybe I just wanted to recapture a bit of my childhood.
It all started well...

When Jake saw that Mommy was going outside, he immediately wanted to join us. I suggested that he go sledding with us. He reluctantly agreed. Notice his look of fear and the way he is gripping my arms for dear life.

"I much prefer sitting at the bottom of the hill and watching you strange people hurtle down."

"Even better is having big sister hug me so I can stay warm."

Chloe watches her sisters

My saucer repeatedly headed for this tree like nails heading for a magnet My girls then felt it was necessary to give me some remedial saucer-riding lessons.
Here is their have to steer with your feet, not lean, like you do with a sled.
I love this girl!
About this time, Zoey woke up from her nap and when she saw that Jake and Mommy were outside, her 'this is not fair o'meter' kicked into high gear. She was wailing so loud that we could hear her outside. I told her she could come out and she happily--with no fear--went sliding down the hill with Mommy.

Big smile! The minute she got to the bottom, she announced, "I do dat again. By myself." She picked up the sled and dragged it up the hill, pounced on it and rode down.

The girl is a sliding maniac.
And then the 'sliding' took a turn. Little Molly's saucer went awry and she crashed into the sandbox. She hit her tail bone on the corner of the wooden seat. Poor baby! She can barely move. I took her to the doctor today and he said that it's hard to know if it is broken or badly bruised, but the treatment is the same. They don't do anything. You just have to tough it out. He opted not to x-ray because it would have given a large dose of radiation to Molly's internal organs.
We've been trying to get her to laugh by asking her if she broke her butt. ha. When I Googled broken tail bone, the word 'coccyx' came up.
If you are a Napoleon Dynamite fan, you already know where I'm going with that, right? Jeff and I have both been cracking up.
"Your Grandma took a spill at the sand dunes and broke her coccyx."
--Uncle Rico
If you're not a Napoleon fan, just move on.
It has been very sweet to see the kids gather around Molly and nurse her today. She can't sit and either has to stand or lie down. They fetch blankets, drinks, and snacks. Taylor carried her upstairs when she wanted to go up this afternoon. (She can come down just leaning on me, but going up is very painful.) Tonight she mentioned being hungry for something sweet and a few minutes later, Taylor came over with a soda (and a STRAW--'cause you know, Molly was lying on the couch and you need a bendy straw to drink while lying down), and a bag full of Nerds. He dipped into his own stash and gave her some. Awwww.....