Tuesday, May 25, 2010

End of the School Year Activities

It has been a whirlwind around here with end-of-the-school-year activities. Concerts, field trips and field days have converged to make my weeks rather full.

Last week, I was able to go with Jillian on a very cool field trip to Boston. Good thing it was a great place because apparently, 5th graders still want their mothers to accompany them, but it is totally uncool to have any interaction with them whatsoever. What's that about? I sat alone on the bus. I sat alone at lunch. Hmmmm.... So did the other mom's...each of us glancing awkwardly at our children, wondering if we should impose ourselves on them or give them space. Finally we resigned ourselves to the fact that we were relegated to the fringe of the group and began talking to each other. One other mom and I were the camera fiends in the group and kept lagging behind trying to get our perfect shots. ha. We had a great guide who took us on the Freedom Trail. He was a descendant of Paul Revere, so had a passion for the stories of Boston during the Revolutionary War. I highly recommend bringing your children to Boston if you can ever make the trip. It's so full of history, which our kids need to know. So many brave men and women risked, or gave, their lives to make this country free. We need to remember what they were willing to die for...what they were trying to escape in Europe.

The Freedom Trail starts at Boston Common

Qaint outdoor market

I am embarrassed to admit that I have forgotten which building this was--but I think it was the Old South Meeting House.

"It all started here." The Original Boston Tea Party in 1773

Some British soldiers happened by during our lunch at Quincy Market.

Jillian was chosen to wear this circa 1773 bonnet.

Statue of Paul Revere with the Old North Church spire in the background, where the lanterns were hung as a warning of the British plan to come by sea.

Also last week was an adorable concert put on by the 1st grade. Miss Chloe was a very cute ladybug.

She had a short speaking part.

Miss Katie-bug couldn't find her other flip-flop, so made do with one that was completely different. Nice.

This week, Molly had a recorder concert. She loves playing it and has done a lot of practicing.

Molly catches sight of her family

She and two other friends played a special song.

Jake, following in his sister's footsteps, dashed out to the car before I had a chance to notice a two things about him. One: he was wearing unmatched flip-flops.

Two: his shorts were on backwards.

I'm pretty sure it ruins my chances for that elusive mother-of-the-year award.