We are seeing a few red leaves here and there, and there are many acorns all over the ground
A nearby horse farm
Same farm...
Needing to wear jackets outside during the day
Or sweatshirts!
Or just a big fake grin
No clue why I posted this. I just like pine trees.
The REAL reason that I hate winter...runny noses, coughs and the general ravages of the common cold. UGH!!
If there aren't any tissues available...no worries...just slurp your snot.
Last year, I decided I was not going to pay the exorbitant prices for school pictures, but instead, take them myself. Today, I attempted to take photos of Zoey and Kate. Kate was sick, so she was not in the mood. Zoey was happy to oblige but I'm not sure I like any of these enough for them to be 'the one.' I haven't had time to fully edit them, though. Maybe I will like them better after I tweak them in Picnik.