Friday, July 31, 2009
Health Care
Redneck Theme Park
Apparently my kids thought the same thing. The other day, I looked out the window and saw this:
It was quite fun! I must have looked like I was having a blast, because then Taylor decided to take a turn.
I hope I didn't look like this when I was coming down the hill. hee
Also behind our house is a small wooded area. Taylor discovered wild blueberries growing. They were a hug from God because wild blueberries bring back beloved memories of my childhood--picking them in the Northern Michigan woods with my Grandma. The kids have been out there picking daily.
One lone, blue hydrangea blossom I found in our yard
Playing in the packing paper
A church in a town nearby. There are many of these--so pretty!
Thank you for your encouraging notes and prayers. God is giving me so much peace and strength and even if many little things are going ridiculously wrong, I don't want to let that steal my joy. We are still comfortable without our 'stuff' and have soooo much to be thankful for. This morning, I read, "Do not be discouraged...I will never leave you nor forsake you." And I matter what happens, I will never have to go without God. He is always at my side. He has promised to never leave me and to always give me His strength. What more could I ask for?
We ARE glad we brought him out here, so that he can see where we are living, but we would have made other arrangements for his truck.
I will post more later with some pictures (yes, I finally took some!!). We had a MUCH better day yesterday. :) Right now, though, I need to call the moving company because they did NOT pick up our second load in Michigan, as they promised. Some of Ryan's paperwork got left there with his stuff and he needs it before he leaves--which now looks like it will be the 10th, rather than the 18th.
If you want to pray that the moving company gets their act together, that would be nice. :) They required full payment when they delivered our things here on Monday, so now they have little incentive to get us the rest of our stuff. Grrrrr..... Oh...and our neighbor stayed home yesterday to let them in our house--but they never showed up or called to say they weren't coming!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day four in the moving adventure
Yesterday is a day I don't care to repeat. Lots of fighting, shrieking, not sharing, and whining. Oh and the kids did some of that, too. hahahahahaha Seriously, though, they were unglued. I would like to say that I kept it together and was all patient and Christ-like. Yeah. The truth is that I was annoyed, exasperated and worn out.
Today will be better, right? Today, I got up early and was able to spend time with God without everyone interrupting me every five seconds. Ahhhh....peace and quiet. There's nothing quite like it!
Jeff came home for dinner and um...there wasn't any. You know...'cause I was unpacking and all and didn't notice the late hour. Oh...and the fact that everything I wanted to make had at least one major ingredient missing from the pantry or fridge. So, he took us out for Chinese. He is so sweet.
I was frazzled and the kids were whining and crying when we got in the car. Jeff had purchased a GPS to help us get around because the roads here are incredibly winding. It is nearly impossible to figure out how to get anywhere without a GPS. Well, now Jakie has some new words in his ever-expanding vocabulary. From the back seat we hear:
"Turn right."
"Turn left."
"Recalculatatatating..." (That's Jake-speak for 'recalculating.')
He's had lots of practice with that word, because the dumb GPS keeps telling us that it has to recalculate, since we have made another wrong turn. I heard a comedian once say that GPS's were run by terrorists so that Americans can't find their way around their own country. hahahaha If you have ever used one, you will know why that is sooooo funny.
I know that some of you are wanting pictures...and please forgive me...but I just haven't had the energy to take any. Molly told me yesterday that she was SO surprised that I haven't been taking any pictures. ha. That should tell you how much they are used to seeing me with a camera attached to my face. When I get more boxes unpacked, I promise I will get out and take pictures. The area is very beautiful--and they even have BLUE hydrangeas here!! BLUE! I have bought them and planted them in Michigan, but the soil is never right and they are always pink (despite dumping copious amounts of the fertilizer on them that turns them blue). The soil must be perfect for blue ones here because they are everywhere. I wanted to take pictures, but I think I might make a bad impression on my neighbors if they see me skulking around in their yards taking pictures of their flowers.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Medical supplies needed for orphans
Rebecca's letter is below with list included:
Some of you may have contacts in the medical field that are willing to donate the medical supplies. Dr. Joyce desperately needs the medical supplies listed. I am glad to send any of these supplies to HOPE with people that I know traveling. There are adoptive families traveling as well as others that volunteer to take suitcase to Beijing Airport for HOPE. Contact me if you have any donations. Or if you traveling soon and are willing to take a suitcase or two, let me know and we can make plans.
Rebecca in TN r s dorris @ place to be . org
Volunteer – coordinator of supplies donated in US
Current Wish List for HOPE
Medical Supplies Needed
-Casting supplies for club foot babies – 2 inch fiberglass casting tape and 2 inch padding and stockinet
-Used abduction braces
Dr Joyce is treating several kids of different ages for clubbed feet and is running out of braces. http://www.clubfoot
Any size any condition is fine as long as the shoes are not too worn out.
Hand Sanitizer
-hand sanitizer bottles with pumps (1 liter or less for easier traveling)
-hand sanitizer for institutional wall units (major on-going need)
Can be ordered from various companies; here’s the link where we have ordered -
Dial Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Fragrance-Free - 800 ml (12 pouches for about $65)
Sneakers and casual shoes for little ones – size 4 – 8 – girls and boys
(These can be new or gently used.)
Socks – infant and preschool age for boys and girls
Cloth Bibs
Preemie Diapers (not newborn but specific diaper size for preemie babies)
Pacifiers (not brand specific)
Medications (can be store brand or name brand)
Cough meds for infants and children
Allergy medications for infants and children
Diaper Rash Cream
Infants Tylenol
Infants Motrin/Ibuprofen
Antibiotic ointment or cream (like Neosporin Triple-Antibiotic Ointment)
Gas Drops
Steroid Cream (like hydrocortisone cream)
Multivitamins for infants (liquid) – with or without iron
Children’s Laxatives (over the counter)
Milk of Magnesia
Citrate of Magnesium Oral Solution
-Gauze of various sizes
-Tape for gauze dressings
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ryan is leaving soon
Coming up for air!
Yes, we are still alive! Barely. It's been a trying few days, but the fog is starting to lift. The girls and I have been emotional and sad, while the little kids pretty much lost their minds. That in turn caused the rest of us to lose ours. They have been SO naughty! ugh. They had nothing to do--toys were on the truck, and they were bored with the few that we had been able to fit into the car. You really don't want to let three, three-year-olds get bored. Kate has also decided she is no longer potty-trained, which has been quite bothersome.
The truck arrived with our stuff yesterday (Mon.). Well, actually, only part of our stuff. The moving company didn't have the size truck trailer that they needed, so they told us up front that they wouldn't be able to take everything in one load. They assured us that they would prioritize to make sure we wouldn't have to do without the things we really needed. Yeah. Right.
We currently are missing two beds, half of the swingset (why would they pack HALF?!), half of the kids outdoor playhouse (Half??), and parts of lamps, bookshelves, the vacuum, etc. We do however, have lots of things we don't need, like a workbench for the garage, our riding lawn mower and all of our Christmas decorations.
The guys who unloaded the truck yesterday were shaking their heads and saying they couldn't understand why the beds weren't at least on the truck, and why the guys in MI left part of the truck empty. Hmmmmm.... Could it be that at 5:30PM, they decided that nothing else would fit?
Well, anyway....we will live without our additional things for the next few weeks.
Saturday, we took the kids to the beach. We had visions of playing in the sand all day but when we got there, it was high tide and there was not a grain of sand in sight! We stayed and played on the rocks, which was still fun.
Big brother checks out the turf
Waiting for a wave
Shrieks of delight!
A serious lack of sand
Crab that washed up on shore. (This is what I looked like on Saturday)
It is so pretty here. New England definitely has it's own personality.
We went to church on Sunday. It is probably not one we will attend again, but it was good to start the week in worship, surrounded by friendly people. Everyone we have met has been very nice--and our neighbors across the street came over with a housewarming gift.
I do have internet access now, but the wireless isn't working, so my computer is propped up on a box. Speaking of boxes, I have a ton to unpack, so I better get back to them.
Friday, July 24, 2009
We made it safely!!
We found out that the truck with our stuff will not be arriving until Monday. This was not very good news except for the fact that I won't have to cook until Tue. Woohoo! I was hoping we could do some site-seeing in the meantime but it's still raining here. Maybe tomorrow will be nicer weather.
The kids are hyper beyond belief and Jeff and I are trying to be patient (or at least not let our heads spin around 360 degrees). Living in a house with no furniture, wastebaskets, blankets, etc. is proving to be a bit challenging, but I'm heading to Target later and some kind people from Jeff's work are bringing a few supplies later.
The kids were very good on the trip yesterday and that enabled us to make it here in 13 hours with only a few stops. We did lots of singing in the girl car. My kids like to make signs and put them up in the window so that we can interact with other drivers. Jillian made one that said, 'Honk if you like pie." I had to slow down when passing drivers to make them look at us. The girls got all thrilled when anyone honked. SaraGrace was on the other side of the car and wanted a sign, so Jillian made one for her. However, no one ever looked her way. After a bit, she crossed her arms and huffed, 'I want some customers!' We all cracked up. :)
Sorry no pictures....I am using Jeff's computer because mine is temporarily unable to connect to the Internet.
Thank you again, for praying!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Trot, Trot to Boston
The truck is loaded, but of course is there is drama--but I don't have time to type out the story (since it's 6:30AM and I'm sitting here in my jammies and need to be in the car, with the kids in 30 min.) Can she do it? Hmmm....we'll see.
If you would be so kind, can you please pray for safety on the roads? Ryan's pick-up has 'issues' and I am concerned. Jeff, Ryan and I all have a vehicle to drive, so no one will get a rest. I tend to get sleepy after driving for awhile. It's raining pretty hard at the moment, which adds to the fun.
Speaking of fun (NOT) we accidently let the movers pack the kids' DVD player for the car.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cracking up!
And yes...I can relate to all of you!
We currently have 1, 327 shoes. None of them match. How can anyone CONSISTENTLY lose one shoe of each pair you own? All of our little kids do this with extraordinary talent. Today we went to get some lunch, since all of our kitchen stuff is packed. We were herding all the kids out to the car when we noticed that Katie-bug had no shoes. A search party was sent out but came back empty-handed. We never did find her shoes and I am starting to think they might have accidentally gotten packed. Dang. I guess we will be buying another pair of flip-flops to add to her mounting collection.
I have to be honest and admit that I lose stuff, too. Rather than look for it, I just accuse other people of taking it. "Who took my.....?" hee! Before we had kids, Jeff didn't take this too well. Now that we have kids, my accusation is thrown into the air, aimed at no one in particular.
The movers are done and the truck will be arriving tomorrow morning to begin loading our
Would you believe we forgot to get DVD's out for the trip? I think we might have to crack a box open and get some out. We are going to have a boy car and a girl car on the way to Boston. That way we can have girl movies, girl music, and Jillian can read girl stories out loud. The boys can do whatever in their car,
We don't have help unpacking on the other end, but that is okay. One time we were told we could have help, so we let the movers unpack. Big Mistake. UGH. All they did was unload every box all over the place. I was upstairs putting things away for a few hours and when I came down, the kitchen counters were piled about two feet high with all the stuff they had taken out of boxes. Everywhere I looked, the floors were covered with piles of the contents of the boxes. Grrrr.... I was so overwhelmed that I wanted to sit down and cry. Never again. I will handle the unpacking by myself, thank you!
The little kids are facinated with the moving truck, so they hopped up to check it out.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Packing Day #1
I said, 'Well, stop tooting.'
"I can't."
"Honey, I'm sure you will be fine."
"Mom," she said with a wail, "Chloe said I was going to need butt surgery."
"You do?"
"Well, go ahead and go."
We go through this little ritual even when they have come in from playing outside and have dashed past the bathroom to come and find me.
Me: Please go find your shoes.
Child: I don't know where they are.
Me: Please go look for them.
Child: But I don't know where they are.
Me: I don't know where they are either. That is why I am asking you to go FIND them.
Child: But I don't know where to look.
Child: wanders off, whining that she doesn't know where to look.
Now I know why some animals eat their young.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Failures in Communication
Thoughts on the big move
Or bringing their friends...
They claimed they were just looking for things that they could smash or break. Okaaay.... That is one
And in other news....
Jake went to church today with his pants like this:
It was not discovered until we were eating lunch at a restaurant with friends.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Random Thoughts
The little kids are pretty clueless, so they are currently fine. They did well at the cabin last week, so I think they will probably transition pretty well. The older kids are a bit sad, and trying to say good-bye to their friends. Ryan has been gone a lot--much to Chloe's dismay. He ended up taking her with him yesterday. She had an offer to swim with us at a friend's house and she turned it down to hang out with Ryan. I was a bit shocked by that because she LOVES to swim.
The movers come in two days to start packing us up. I am thankful that I don't have to pack everything. We have some doctor and dentist visits to finish up and then we will be heading east as the truck pulls out. (sob)
The truck pulls out on Wed., and is not guaranteed an arrival until Sunday, so we need to pack enough clothes for that long. Great! It's like another vacation.
Our washer and dryer are staying here because the dryer outlet at the new house is electric and we have a gas dryer. We will need to buy a set in Boston and hopefully get it delivered immediately. Either that, or all the kids will get a lesson on how to pound out laundry on a rock.
I had visions of visiting friends along the way, stopping at Niagra Falls, etc. But Jeff,
A kind co-worker delivered some blow up mattresses to the house so that the
The purple coneflowers are blooming in our yard
Two sets of dirty feet-sies
Chloe, in Ryan's *rmy shirt that she wears to bed
The remainder of the pictures are of a sweet little boy we know. He is the child of a young, newly married couple who needed some photos taken. I needed the practice, so wah-la... We did each other a favor. :) This little guy has some of the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen. AMAZING!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
My kids
Jake looked at her in disgust and said, "I not pvitty." And he wasn't. He looked absurd but I wasn't quick enough to get a photo. Rats...
This afternoon, Taylor thought it would be fun to let me smell his armpits. You know...a little mom/son bonding experience. He pinned me and rubbed his stinky armpits on my shirt. Gross. As I headed past him, I spotted a bag of dirty diapers that I was going to throw in the garbage. Perfect. I picked it up and waved it in his face. He tried to fend me off but I persisted. At some point in the fracas he accused me of pushing the bag into his mouth, which is completely untrue. He has been grumbling all evening, while I secretly gloat that I grossed him out more than he grossed me out. Bahahahaha
This evening, we were out in the backyard playing when Jillian started yelling, "Mom! Look at SaraGrace!"
I looked for her but didn't see any sign of her. "Where? Where?" I yelled.
Jillian yelled, "Up there! In the tree!"
With visions of my baby falling out of the tree and breaking her leg, I dashed over to the tree. She was not visible until I got right under it and sure enough...there she was. I had my camera in hand and she was already posing.
Rather than my kids being camera shy, I am now met with a chorus of, "Mom! Smile me!" whenever I get the camera out. It cracks me up! I'm glad they don't mind me sticking my camera in their faces at every opportunity.
I'm starting to see this expression a lot lately.
Chloe has been wanting me to curl her hair lately. It doesn't last long.
Could he look any more mischievous?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My little Chloe
Tonight, after being put to bed, she came down about an hour later, just sobbing. When I asked her what was wrong, she gulped out, "I don't want Ryan to get hurt in the *rmy."
My heart turned over. I took her in my arms and tried to comfort her, but everything I said sounded so lame. She sobbed and sobbed and I finally offered to let her call Ryan to try to calm her down. Thankfully, he answered his cell phone right away and talked to her.
She is lying on the couch near me because she can't get to sleep, due to worrying about Ryan. Poor little punkin. Molly and I prayed with her and she nodded her head earnestly when I told her that we have to trust God and ask Him to give us courage and peace so that we don't worry every day.
I guess this will be a good time to have her memorize Matthew 6:27, 'Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?'
Convicting Post
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Divine Appointments
Last night, I made an impromptu trip to WalM*rt. I got held up at the register because the
After ending our conversation, I traveled on to the grocery store. A few weeks ago, one of the cashier's had commented on the items I was buying and it came up that we were having a party for Ryan as he went in to the milit*ry. She said she had a friend in the service and prayed for him a lot--and then said, "I'll pray for your son." Ever since, I have been planning to return and give her a prayer card for Ryan. Last night, as I headed in, I thought, "Rats...she won't be here because it's night and she works the day shift. I hope I see her before we move." As I walked in, I was shocked to see her standing at the door. She was not at a register---she was a greeter! I have never seen her in that position--EVER. I walked up and reminded her of who I was and handed her the prayer card for Ryan. She later found me in the store and wanted his address, so she could write to him. That blessed me soooo much!
When I left, she was no longer at her post as greeter--and had been moved elsewhere in the store. God had put her where I needed to see her at the precise moment that I walked in. It was such a great reminder to me that God is NOT random. It sometimes seems like things happen without Him noticing, but He knows everything that is happening and there is purpose and meaning in it all. Just because we are often unaware of it, doesn't change the truth of who He is and what He is doing.