One year ago today, my heart was heavy. We were near the end of our wait to adopt Zoey and Kate and hoping to travel right after Christmas. The previous day, Travel Approvals had rolled in for many families whose paperwork had been approved the same time as ours. All day, I had expected a call, but none came. It was now Saturday, and all hope of hearing anything until Monday was dashed. I went grocery shopping and came home to see the light blinking on our answering machine. I hit the button and heard the voice of our adoption agency rep. "Karin! I received a package! I have your travel approvals for the girls! Can you be ready to go to China in 10 days?" I don't remember much after that except dancing around the room and shouting the good news with a pounding heart.
And now they're home.
Here is the updated video for Zoey and Kate. The last half of it is new, if you want to fast forward through the beginning. (Note to self: Photos removed from your computer and transferred to an external hard drive, will also be removed from your Movie Maker projects. Plan accordingly....argh....)
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