Thursday, December 31, 2009

One Year Ago today...

...we were on a plane to China to bring Zoey and Kate home. We had the stroke-of-midnight-moment quite a few times as we flew across one time zone after another.

The packing zone...the day we left. I have never learned to pack light. I doubt I ever will!

And soon we were transported to a place where we saw cool things like this.

And sweet friends like this.

Whose daughter's were photographed constantly in public, by admiring crowds like...


We rode the subway with "Baby," the stuffed animal from Chloe's kindergarten class.

We shopped in places like this.

We shopped here too, where the look on this girl's face cracks me up to this day.

We met sweet babies like Corrie, who need Mommy's and Daddy's to love them.

I can't believe it's been a year.

As we savor those sweet memories of China, we are preparing to send Ryan off to bo*t camp on Monday. I keep finding myself wanting to slow time make each moment last a bit longer, but time keeps churning forward.

Tonight, as we sit in our family room eating junk food, playing games and watching TV, I am so thankful for the family that surrounds me. I am thankful that I have a son...even though I have to send him to bo*t camp. There are those who don't have any children. There are those who have no families. There are those who don't have warm homes that bring comfort and shelter.

I am very, very blessed. Thank you, Jesus.