Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No room...

No room.
No room for you.

Those are words that bring forth emotions like loneliness, rejection and lack of love.

They are recorded in the second chapter of Luke. To a woman in labor. To her baby.

There are 143 million orphans in this world who are experiencing the same emotions. There is no room for them. Doors are closed. Hearts are closed. Shut tight. No room.

I have had so many people tell me to bring them a baby home when we went to China. I've heard people say that if a baby or child showed up on their doorstep, they would adopt them.

They would open the door. Open their hearts. Make room.

I can't bring anyone a baby from China. Nor is it likely that a baby will be left on their doorstep.
But what if, instead of a knock on your door, there was a knock at your heart?
What if there was a gentle nudge from heaven that asked you,
"Will you make room? Will you change the future of a child's life? Will you do what it takes to rescue a child from loneliness, rejection and lack of love?"

Do we hear that quiet voice and gently close the door in response? Do we pretend that we didn't hear it?

What kind of blessing did the inn keeper miss when he said he had no rooms available? What kind of blessing do we miss out on, when we tell God that we have no more room for a child in need? Will we close the doors of our hearts? Will we say we have already done enough?

Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song called "What Now?

I saw the face of Jesus in a little orphan girl
She was standing in the corner on the other side of the world

And I heard the voice of Jesus gently whisper to my heart

Didn't you say you wanted to find Me?

Well here I am, here you are

So, What now?

What will you do now that you found Me?

What now?

What will you do with this treasure you've found?

I know I may not look like what you expected

But if you remember, this is right where I said I would be

You've found Me

What now?

We see the need. We know, and can't pretend we don't. In China. In Africa. In Russia. In the USA.
Will we dare to make room for an unexpected treasure?