SaraGrace had a tough day. It started out well, but once we had to prepare for the insertion of the Picc line, it quickly went down hill.
Unfortunately, they didn't wait long enough for the medicine to make her loopy enough for the procedure and it ended up being quite traumatic for her. The technician tried three times--thankfully on the third try, she got it in. However, you can imagine how painful it was for SaraGrace to endure three catheter insertion attempts. ugh. They were very complimentary and said they were amazed at how well she did. She was so brave. I felt awful for her.
After it was over, the medicine kicked in and it made her really dizzy and loopy. Oh...and C.R.A.N.K.Y.
It lasted for hours and hours. She really never recovered and is still sitting here beside me all cranky and refusing to go to sleep at 9:30.
She has barely eaten and hasn't been drinking much either. Thank goodness for popsicles because she's eaten about four of those and has the orange lips and teeth to prove it.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
We got a roommate today--a sweet one month old baby boy. His mom is also very sweet so it's about as good as having a roommate can be. Room sharing in hospitals should be illegal, don'tcha think? With the astonishing amount of laws in Mass., you would think someone would have already thought of that one.
Reacting to the technician who was getting her ready for the Picc line insertion