Monday, August 23, 2010

Rainy Monday

What is there to do on a rainy Monday? It was cold today--only 61 degrees--so playing in the rain wasn't too appealing. We opted to stay indoors and try to come up with an activity.

Jillian decided that she wanted to sew. Her Build-*-Bears needed some pillows and blankets. Molly and Chloe wanted in on the project, too.

To sew, you need some supplies. Unfortunately, my sewing box is MIA since the move. We had to use a travel sewing kit instead.

Thankfully, the sewing machine had thread in it, albeit pink thread that didn't match.

Molly gets in close

Jillian is starting to get the hang of it.

Jake watches in fascination

Jillian and Chloe also made a costume for Bobo the bear

Ryan...this is for you.

Bobo watches the rest of the fun from atop this perch

A finished project.

It's supposed to rain again tomorrow. We are out of ideas. Anyone have any suggestions?!