Thursday, March 12, 2009

One of those days...

Did you ever have one of those days where you felt like your brain stayed in bed while your body went running all over the place?

Ryan and I were going to drive to MSU, several hours away, so that he could receive an award--an FFA degree (FFA stands for Future Farmers of America). It is a big honor and I was so excited for him. So that we would know how to get to MSU, he came home with a map from his class. I should have listened to the inner voice that recommended that I print out a Google map to go with it. But of course, I ignored my inner voice.

I thought it would be a fun outing for SaraGrace and Jordan and also give Taylor a break to just babysit the three littlest ones. Apparently, the part of my brain that stayed in bed forgot how loooooong FFA award ceremonies are.

We all got in the car and were having a nice time talking, when all of a sudden, I started seeing signs for a city far past where we were supposed to be going. UGH. Our so-called map was incomplete (to put it nicely) so we couldn't even try to figure out where we were. Since I'm female, I immediately pulled off at the next exit to ASK for directions. (smile) Yep...we had gone 45 minutes past our exit. GROAN. Thankfully, we still had just enough time to get to the ceremony.

We made it--a tad stressed--but in time. The ceremony then went...count them...almost 3 hours...YES, three hours!! UGH! Poor SaraGrace and Jordan sat in a totally dark auditorium (so they couldn't even draw to amuse themselves) and listened to speech after speech. Finally our Ryan walked the stage and soon after, we were able to go home. I bought the little kids milkshakes for their good behavior.

Our Mom dragged us here for a NOT fun outing

How can my baby be this old? wah...

I laughed to Ryan about the possibility of it taking us an extra hour to get home if we ended up sailing past our exit. I shouldn't have laughed. After two hours, I realized we were again approaching a city that was 45 minutes past where we should have gotten off. ARGH!!!! How could it happen again?! I wasn't even talking on my cell phone! At least I would have had an excuse if I was talking to someone...but nooooo.... I am just brain dead. I don't normally have a hard time finding my way around so this was just a very weird day. Note to NOT leave home without a map!

Poor Taylor had to babysit an extra two hours, and while I was gone....Jake pooped his back.