Friday, February 27, 2009

Jake and Kate update

We took the kids to the doctor today and they both have ear infections, but nothing more serious. Kate tested negative for flu and RSV. I was rather surprised by the flu coming back negative and now think that most of us have her illness to look forward to. I was hoping it was influenza because we have all had flu shots, so I thought I would be immune. Drat.

Kate is so blue and coughing incessantly, despite giving her cough medicine. Her lungs are clear, though. Her blood oxygen levels were at 77% today. Poor baby.

Jake is doing fine today, thankfully. The doctor has decided to take a wait-and-see approach with him. If he has febrile seizures again, they will do a complete work up. For now, since febrile seizures are not uncommon in toddlers with high fevers, they will not do any further testing.

Four sick kids just wanted to lie on Mommy.

SaraGrace started running a fever tonight, so here we go again.

And now to change the are some random photos I took of the icicles on our bushes the other day.