Kate, getting her Echocardiogram
"For you created me in my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139:13, 14Kate was dubbed, 'miracle baby' in China because of all the times she almost died, and then pulled through. Her miracle continues...
We saw the cardiologist this morning at the University of Michigan. During her echocardiogram, we were shocked to be told that she has TWO ventricles--not the single ventricle that is on all of her paperwork from China! Not only are there TWO, but both of them are big enough to be usable!! I got very emotional when they told us the great news!
Later, the cardiologist told us that she is scheduling Kate for a heart catheterization very soon. If Kate's heart anatomy is the same as what the doctor can see from the Echo, she will approach the surgeon to see if he will do a FULL REPAIR! She thinks it is possible--and very likely! The surgeon she plans to approach is the #1 pediatric heart surgeon in the country!! Her surgery will likely take place this spring or early summer, since she does need it done fairly soon. Her oxygen level is only at 80%, which is why she has a blue tinge to her skin. For that reason, they would like to repair her heart and get her oxygen levels higher.
If he is not able to do a full repair, Kate is still a good candidate for what is called a 'fontan' procedure, but that would leave her with single ventricle function.
Kate's little heart is on the wrong side of her body and is also turned totally backwards. She has a large VSD, no pulmonary artery and one ventricle is not being used, due to the Glenn procedure she had in China. The doctor called her heart, 'very complicated,' but she still has great optimism that Kate can have a full repair, with only valve changes as she ages (due to size). SaraGrace, will also need valve changes as she ages, so we are familiar with what that entails.
We are soooo excited about this new possibility for Kate! We truly believe that she had the horrible diagnosis in China as a way for God to bring her our family. You may not remember, but one of the US doctors who reviewed her medical information said that she would need a heart transplant and had a very uncertain future. For that reason, many families turned down her referral. Because of our situation (already in process to adopt our 9th child), we would never have been considered as a potential family for her, if her diagnosis had been correct. She no doubt would have been chosen by another family if her medical report had looked more promising.
It is sooooo humbling to us that God went to this effort to get her into our family. Throughout the entire process of Kate's adoption, we were awed by all that swirled around us. We felt like we were flies on the wall, watching something huge unfold before our eyes. We continue to be amazed at what God is doing in little Kate's life and feel privilged to be a part of it.

SaraGrace went along to show Kate the ropes.