It's been a whirlwind since we arrived! We survived the trip and the kids actually did very well. We only had one mishap when there was a slight {ahem} fender bender.
I am considering maintaining my innocence.
How was I to know that some woman had pulled in way too close behind me at the gas pump?
I was only complying with my husband's suggestion to back up, get out of line when I was done, and go to McD's to get the kids some lunch.
It couldn't have been that in my haste, I forgot to look in the rear view mirror! {gasp}
I knew I should have driven the old van on the way here.
My husband was very gracious and told me that is what we have insurance for.
I love him.
Sunday afternoon there was a bridal shower for Danielle at church. I am sorry to say that I had my camera settings wrong and all my picture turned out blurry. You will have to use your imagination to 'see' the North Woods theme and all the gifts.
Monday we took the kids to the zoo. My brother's wife and three kids joined us, much to the delight of my kids who hadn't seen their cousins in almost two years.
Daddy holds Jake up to see the polar bears
Katie and cousin Maddie are best buds
"OK troops, here is how it's goin' down. I have a ticket for each of you to ride the carousel but you have to line up!"
"Are you serious?"
Waiting patiently.
Wheee!! Mommy photographs because rides that go in circles make her nauseous.
"We are so excited we can barely contain ourselves."
Cousins are the best!
New baby elephant born two months ago at the zoo!!
Grandpa holds Hudson up for a better view.
Kissin' cousins
Is it me or is this kid still giving me the stink eye?
That evening, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and were so happy to see our old friends there.
Clavo - our friend, whose smile we miss so much.
Neli and the girls. We miss Neli very much!
Ryan, Taylor and Jake all have birthday's in the next two weeks, so we decided to have our traditional celebration. Clavo would always bring the kids a Mexican fried ice cream, dip his finger in the whipped cream and put it on their nose.
However...this time, all the kids got a plate of whipped cream in their faces. Except Ryan. He conveniently went to the bathroom right before they came out with the birthday treat. Dani had to stand in for him and SHE got the whipped cream in the face!

Ryan came out and began to help her get it cleaned up. Notice Mr. Stealth behind him, sneaking up for round 2.
Happy Birthday, boys!!