Ryan is showing some animals in the county fair this week and has been camping there since Saturday. He is in the Agriculture course at school, and they spent the school year getting animals ready for the fair. He has really enjoyed it and his teacher made him the manager of the school farm. It's a small, working farm and it has been a lot of work and responsibility for him. He works hard and we are so proud of him.
He showed his calf yesterday, so we had planned to spend part of the day there. We arrived at 10AM and didn't leave until almost 8PM!! Surprisingly, the kids were able to hang in there (even the little boys, who had no naps) and we had a blast. My sister came for part of the day, with two of her kids, as well as my mom. We were able to watch Ryan and Shelby show their calves--and later, they were auctioned off. Tonight, his two pigs will be auctioned off.
We ate junk food, rode rides, fed llama's and ducks, enjoyed petting goats, rabbits, horses, cows, and got stickers from the clown. I now understand how my parents could go to an amusement park and hardly ride any rides, but have a fabulously FUN day. It was a riot to watch the kids on their rides! There is no better sound than a child's laugh, and to hear their squeals and peals of laughter was sweet music. SaraGrace could be heard no matter how far away from us the ride took her. It was so funny. She was delighted, and grinning from ear to ear. However, when she got off, I would ask her if she had fun and she would say, "No." Urgh....
We didn't get home until almost 10PM - after having to stop at the local Culvers to feed the kids. Ryan and Shelby (the starving teens) joined us. I guess they are getting tired of ramen noodles at the campsite! Lots of the kids from their 4-H group are staying there all week, since they have to stay up late and get up early taking care of the animals. They are properly chaperoned, so all has been going well.
While at the fair, someone told us that there was a picture of Ryan on the front page of our town newspaper. We bought several on the way home and sure enough, there is a huge picture of Ryan, as well as quotes from an interview with him. Ryan (aka 'I hate limelight and attention') didn't even mention that he had been interviewed. Our town is quite small, so it's not like he's on the front page of a major newspaper, but it is still exciting.

Proud Mom moment with her 'baby' boy (how can he be this old? sniff, sniff)

The little boys eat ice cream and watch big brother, Ryan, show his calf

SaraGrace loves animals and has absolutely no fear of them

Who is sweeter, these little girls or the cotton candy? Definitely the girls--although SaraGrace might be considered more spice than sweet!

Standing in line waiting for auction

Standing in the ring while his calf is auctioned off