Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting settled in!

Hola, Everybody!!

I am happy to report that we are all getting settled in and Jacob is doing very well getting to know his big, crazy family. We are madly in love with him! He is a smiley, adorable little guy and is handling the girls' contant attention with good humor. (If you saw how they maul him and get in his face, you would understand why I say he needs humor-ha.) They carry him around as if he is a doll, but they are doing very well making bottles, feeding him, changing him, etc. They are great helpers! I almost have to ask permission to hold him! His stinky diapers are still mine, though. He has completed his training in the "Karin school of sleeping through the night" and thankfully, he is sleeping well. I think God is just showing me mercy!

Grandma and Grandpa came home from Africa and came over the next day to see him. They fell under his spell very quickly as he flashed them a big grin and let them each hold him.

Jordan is adjusting to the intruder...a bit jealous, but overall doing pretty well. He is starting to play 'cars' with baby Jake, and has 'held' him a few times while sitting on the couch. I posed them on the porch swing for this picture. :)

We had a family picture taken for our church directory about a week before we left for Guatemala. I thought I would post it since some of you haven't seen the kids for awhile. I couldn't figure out how to photo shop baby Jake in, so I guess we will still need to get another picture taken. (The boys will be thrilled beyond belief. You would have thought I was torturing them to get them to wear something decent for the picture.)

Thank you all, so very much, for your prayers. They sustain us. You truly have no idea how we depend on them and we are very grateful.