He is totally mortified at the 'space-man helmet.' No amount of, "We can pretend we are spacemen,' was comforting. He does NOT want to go to school wearing it. I have emailed the school staff to see what we can work out. The helmet is really bugging him so I hope he can get used to it. I feel so bad for him.
The good news is that the doctor said that if he can eat and drink, he can go home today instead of tomorrow. After a wretched night of our roommate's nurse not using her 'people-are-sleeping-so-perhaps-I-should-speak-quietly,' voice, we are TIRED.
Have I mentioned that I think having two patients per room should be out-lawed? Oh, yes, I think I mentioned that the last time we were here. Urgh.
In the midst of my great annoyance last night, I did come back to reality with the thought that my uncle would give anything to be in my place rather than planning a funeral for his daughter. So I will just be thankful and count my blessings--that my child is alive and well--and this is so very temporary.