It started here.
"Hey, Dakey! Do you like pie?"
I asked Jeff to take this picture to prove I was there.
Then on Saturday, we decided to go to Plymouth--our favorite place--because you know...the Mayflower is there and there is that whole 'this-is-where-the-first-Thanksgiving-happened' and all
The temperature was a factor, too.
If I believed in global warming, I would be saying, "WOOT! I'm loving it."
But I don't believe in it, so I'll just say, "Hooray for temperatures in the 60's on Thanksgiving weekend!"

Am I the only one whose heart goes pitter-patter when I see street names like 'Samoset' and 'Carver?'
I cool is that?

I cool is that?
My pumpkins on the beach. Jake wanted to know if he should wear his bathing suit. He was so confused.
There WERE some tourists dipping their bare feet in the frigid water.
Down to the harbor. I never get tired of this amazing view. I could sit and look at it for hours, listening to the sounds of the boats, the water, the birds. A little slice of heaven.
But of course, I never get to sit and look at it for hours.
So I take pictures.
Every time.
Of the same thing.
The Mayflower II.
My kids are unimpressed that it's not the ORIGINAL Mayflower.
And let me tell you, if I had to have endured the voyage on this tiny vessel with 80+ people, I would have been certifiable by the time she landed. Just sayin'...
The kids think it's really cool that people uh....went potty in a bucket and tossed it over the side.
I'm thinking that isn't the only thing that got tossed over the side.
My cookies could go just thinking about it.
If you haven't read the stories about the voyage, you should. The hold of the ship was uh...where all the sick people were. Sea sick. Dysentary. ETC.
It really makes you appreciate the horrible suffering that people went through to get here.
Let's not forget.