Please pray for the fires in Colorado Springs to be contained. Ryan had surgery yesterday and while he was there, the place where he was living was forced into a mandatory evacuation. He will be released today and will be staying with a friend of a family member. The fires are out of control and burning homes. The Navigators have a retreat center there (Glen Eyrie) and have requested prayer as many of their buildings are in the path of the fire.
Also, my mom had to take my dad to ER in the middle of the night because he was in severe pain. Once there, they discovered his bladder was full of blood. They were going to try to do a procedure on him this morning, but couldn't. He has had prostate cancer for 14 years, and we know it can travel to the bladder, so of course we are worried. We would so appreciate prayers. We are very thankful that this didn't happen in Honduras. He is supposed to return to the doctor on Tue., and hopefully we will know more then.