Jeff and some of the kids have been sick this week with fevers and sore throats, one had pink eye and one had the stomach flu. I wasn't sure if we would all make it to church for Easter, but thankfully, everyone woke up relatively healthy.
A bona fide Easter miracle!
Alrighty then...
SaraGrace had asked to be baptized and we were holding our breath because she had come down with the fever/sore throat plague on Friday night. Thankfully, she was feeling better after the doctor advised me to let her share antibiotics with her sister until Monday morning.
She was so nervous and excited. She was worried about going under water...about the pastor not being able to get her up again, etc... So cute! (She weighs about 40 pounds dripping wet!) He assured her he would not drop her. haha
The testimonies are video taped ahead of time to help alleviate some of the fear of getting up in front of a crowd. Here, SaraGrace expresses why she wants to be baptized. She "wants everyone to know that she loves Jesus."
This is when he told the congregation that SaraGrace had faith in God but she was afraid that Pastor Dan was going to drop her. They laughed and so did she. :)
"Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins? That he was buried and rose again? Do know him as your Personal Savior?"
"Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
New Life!
Afterwards, she said, "Is that it? I'm baptized? That wasn't so bad!"
Yes, sweet girl...all that worrying for nothing!
She was so happy! It is sweet to see her innocent expression of love for her Savior.
After church we came home to do our egg hunt. It was cold and windy and since some of the kids were still a bit under the weather, they all voted for an indoor egg hunt.
But first....the Easter baskets!

How many pieces of candy can we eat, Mom?

Checking out the loot.

The teenager even got dressed up...note the tuxedo shirt. I didn't even have to ask him. The girls thought it would be funny to give him a pink Easter basket. Alas... it didn't seem to bother him.

Now for the hunt....

Bedlam ensued...

"I've got two eggs!"
Jake had quickly donned his new Batman shirt without bothering to take off the tag.
"Where are the rest of them?!"

It pays to be tall.

Jake was not happy to be forced back into his Easter duds for the obligatory holiday photo.
There was also a murmur of discontent from Jillian about why the teenager didn't have to be in the picture.

The little kids will still pose for an extra piece of candy.
Yes, I bribe them.
I'm not proud of it.
We hope you and your family had a wonderful day!