Yesterday, we got the devastating news from a Seattle heart surgeon that sweet baby Sinh's heart is too badly damaged to be repaired. Since this is not the first heart surgeon to give us this news, we know in our hearts that it is the final answer for this precious baby. It is unspeakably sad to know that some children, born into poverty and without a family, will not have the opportunity to live a full life on earth.
We are hoping to be able to find a family in Vietnam who would be willing to foster her in her final days. I cannot bear the thought of her dying alone in an orphanage, having never known the love of a mother's arms. She has suffered much in her short young life.
It is comforting to know that when she was taken to Singapore, she was held and loved for several days. The woman who took her there, emailed me and said that Sinh had never had the strength to smile at anyone, but on their last day together, Sinh looked into this woman's eyes and smiled for the first time. I know that someday soon, Jesus will welcome her home and she will smile every day. Until then, I pray that He will hold her tight and that our prayers will make a difference in her time here on this earth.
SaraGrace prayed diligently for baby Sinh to 'have heart surgery just like me,' and is very sad that little Sinh will not be given this opportunity. Last night I hugged her extra tight and offered another prayer of thanksgiving for Love Without Boundaries and Hope Healing Home, who arranged her surgery. I am so thankful that they are being used by God in China to give the gift of life to those who have no Mama or Daddy to advocate for them. Sadly, Vietnam does not yet have these resources.
SaraGrace loves to sing, "Jesus Loves Me," and after our visit with Alex and the other children in Guatemala, I have wondered if they have special angels dispatched by God to sit and hold them, to ease their suffering. Last night, SaraGrace and I sang together:
"Jesus loves me, loves me still
When I'm very weak and ill
From His shining home on high
Comes to watch me where I lie."
Sweet dreams, baby Sinh. Though you do not know us, you are loved from afar and we hold you in our prayers, sweet baby girl.