We woke up to this beautiful view out our back door.
So pretty!
Most of the kids were feeling well enough to play (or so they said), so I let everyone except Jordan go out in the snow. He just wasn't well enough to get cold and wet today.
After church, it was time to play. They were so excited they could hardly wait!
I know....if I was a better prepared mommy, I would have rummaged around in the basement to inventory their boots prior to today.
Me: No.
Zoey: But it already got stuck between two rocks and fell off. And now there is a lot of snow stuck to the ankle part. {She had put it back on at this point.}
Me: Oh, poor Zoey! But you have to keep it on because you can't hop all over the yard in deep snow.
Sledding should always be followed by mugs of hot chocolate.
I had quite a line up of mugs to fill.
And yeah.... I put that first one there on purpose when I framed the shot.
Christmas cookies and hot chocolate. YUM!
Poor Jordan was still coughing a lot but maybe tomorrow he can play in the snow.
Rosy cheeks, static-y hair, and a mug of hot chocolate.
"So, Jordan. Tell me what you did when we were outside. I really want to know."
The aftermath of wet snowpants, coats, boots, hats and mittens.
Ahhh....childhood moments of sledding, building forts and being willing to have your feet frozen off just for the fun of playing in the snow.
Good times.