Gotcha Day!
Two years ago today, we were in Taiyuan, China, meeting our little man, Jordan! (Yep, it was Halloween.) It's hard to believe that two years have passed since that memorable day.
He is still a quiet--sometimes worried--little guy, who likes to line his toys up and keep a close eye on 'his stuff.' He likes cars, trains, and blocks. He tends to be an observer, rather than a joiner, although likes to play with his siblings.
He has come a long way. When we got him, he didn't know how to be held, and would keep his body stiff as a board. We gradually taught him to bend his legs and put his arms around our neck. Recently, he has finally been letting his entire body relax into us when held. Hooray for Jordan! He also tells us he loves us, which was another huge milestone for him. He is such a sweet little boy. Happy Gotcha Day, Jordan! We love you!