We were so happy to receive pictures of our Zoey Faith today!! (This will post tomorrow, but I am writing it on Wed.) An adoptive family visited the orphanage and were kind enough to take pictures of Zoey for us. Apparently, their daughter had been in the next crib and she and Zoey were little buddies. You can see their daughter in the first picture, standing up in the crib next to Zoey, hair in pigtails, and wearing American clothes.

We are grateful that she seems to be doing well. We are still waiting on our immigration paperwork from Detroit. It used to take about four weeksk, but for some reason, it is now taking twelve. ugh.
And on to other news.....
Jeff, Jake and I will be heading to the Boston area early Thursday morning, courtesy of Jeff's employer. This is not a pleasure trip, though. A few months ago, Jeff's boss asked him to relocate to the Boston area. After some deliberation, Jeff turned the job down and we thought we were done with that. Last week, his boss asked him again. So....we have decided that this is not going away, even if we close our eyes and wish really hard. (smile) We have been praying and praying about what to do. Jeff's boss understands that we will not move until next year when Ryan graduates from high school. Neither one of us have any desire to live on the East coast. It is so far from both our families and is a different culture than the midwest, where we were both born and raised. However, we are trying to remain open to what God might have for us, so have been praying that He would clearly show us what He wants us to do. So far, it's not yet clear. (If any of you know of any good churches in the Boston/Providence RI area, please let us know!!) Boston Children's Hospital is there, so our kids' medical needs would be taken care of.
My first reaction to Boston was, "NO WAY!" We had dreams of moving to Nashville--which is a totally different kind of place than Boston. Then I remembered how often I told God, 'Here am I! Send me!" Hmmm...well, I guess if He wants to send us to Boston, I had better not say, "NO!" Wherever we end up--here in Michigan, Boston, or Nashville, I know that God has something good in store for us and I don't want to miss out on what it might be.
Well, unless I want to miss out on having anything clean to wear, I had better get back to laundry and get something in a suitcase. No matter what the outcome of our trip, we are excited to have a mini-vacation! :) Our three oldest girls became hysterical this morning at the prospect of us leaving. sigh.... My mom is coming to watch the kids, so I hope she hasn't lost her mind by the time we get back on Saturday!