Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

 Checking out their Easter baskets.  The little kids got buckets as 'baskets' this year.

Then it was outside for the egg hunt!  Most of them wanted to change clothes, so I'm thankful I was able to get a photo of my treasures before they changed into jeans and sweatshirts.  There was much drama this morning before church as we realized that one dress was too small, the two pairs of lacy socks I had purchased were missing, as were all the matching hair bows, and one purchased dress was not as appealing at home as it had been at the store.
Oh...and several girls had shoes that weren't fitting either.
The boys were much easier to dress, that's for sure!
 Ready!  Set!  GO!!!!

 It was only around 60 degrees, but the kids think it's time to break out all their summer clothes.

 Checking the eggs!
 Deciding what to keep and what to trade...

 Everyone puts the loot in a baggie with their name on it so we can keep it all straight.

 "Any chance I'm getting any treats today?"

" P-u-leese?!"
"Yeah, didn't think so.  But while you were at church, I got into the teen's chocolate stash and ate a chocolate candy bar.  So....I'm thinkin' I'll be leaving you a little present when my body rejects it later on tonight."