Saturday, February 02, 2013

Saturday School

Homeschool - Week 2

We had several good days and one awful, horrible, no good, very bad day. 

Today--Saturday--three kids came and asked if they could get started on school.  I gleefully told them that it was Saturday.  They said, 'We don't care.  Can we still do school?"


I guess so.  If you want to do some work sheets by yourselves.
'Cause this Mama is NOT doing school today.

A few minutes later, I was telling Jeff that several of the kids requested to do school on Saturday, and Kate piped up,
"Not me!  I'm gonna be a slug today."

And there you have it.  I have some over-achievers and some not-so-eager achievers.
I'll let you guess which ones make mommy have awful, horrible, no good, very bad days.

It has become apparent that a few of my ADHD/ADD kids are going to be a bit of a challenge.  And that is okay.  I just need to adjust to them and figure out how to keep all of us from having those no good, very bad days. 
Well...that...and a bit of daily chocolate bribery. 
I'm not above that.

Here are some pictures of the Saturday school team.

And a few from earlier in the week...

I have been asked what video curriculum we are using.  We are actually using two different ones.  The four oldest kids are using Abeka and the four youngest are using BJU.   The reason for that is that the younger kids were already doing BJU at their school and came home with several of the workbooks.  BJU was running a special on their streaming videos and allowing them to be ordered ala carte, so we decided to stick with the little kids curriculum and use BJU for the rest of the year.  Abeka is less expensive, so we may be doing all Abeka for everyone next year.