Saturday, February 27, 2010

Miss Molly's Poem Debut

Our nine year old, an avid reader of Mom's blog, brought home a poem she wrote at school yesterday. I loved it and thought I would share it here, so she can see her words on 'the big screen.'

Love is:

Love is the wind, it makes you feel good
Love is a rainbow--it has pretty colors that are soft
Love is a sail on a sailboat--it guides you and keeps you safe
Love is like the wind--it breezes through me and makes me have a warm feeling.

We love you, Molly girl! You keep writing poems.
In other news, we were notified yesterday that a soldier in basic tr*ining at Ft. Jackson took his own life on Thursday. He was not in Ryan's regiment, but I would imagine that this news has shaken all the soldiers to some degree. Please lift up the family of the soldier, and also pray that those who are Christians would be able to reach out and comfort those who are not.