Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Memorial Box Monday --on Tue. :)

OK--I have an excuse for not getting this done on Monday. The realtors were coming this morning for their walk-thru of our house and we had to have it spotless. Jeff and I got it done last night--he was so great to help me with it.

So...Memorial box story...

When we were adopting our first daughter from China, my beloved Grandma was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I had a deep desire to name Jillian after her, but her first name was...uh...dreadful. Her middle name was Elizabeth, but I didn't like the way that sounded with Jillian. My dream name was Jillian Leigh and one morning I wondered if maybe Leigh could possibly be a derivative of Elizabeth. I rooted around for a baby name book but couldn't find one, so after dropping the boys at school, I headed to the store.

It had been an emotional week in the long waiting game of adoption. I was struggling with the total lack of control I had in being able to take care of a daughter who was waiting on the other side of the world.

I headed to the book aisle and picked up a baby name book. With slightly trembling hands, I opened it to the name, "Elizabeth," and quickly scanned all the possible names that came from it. "Leigh" was not listed. I bit my lip to keep from crying. I normally am not easily moved to tears, but like I said, it had been an emotional week.

I stood there talking to God and begging Him..."Couldn't you PLEASE make it possible for me to name Jillian after my Grandma?" I opened my eyes again and looked down at the name in the book. This time, I saw it like this.

Eli zabeth.
Not only were the letters "li" in bold--but they also were in 3-D.

Li is how "Leigh" is spelled in China.

I stood there in that store aisle knowing I had just been given a miracle. God had answered the cry of this Mama's heart in even the smallest little thing. It was small to most people, but it meant a great deal to me.

Jeff and I with Jillian in China...yep...we looked a lot younger then.