Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun in the Sun

There are eggs in that thar nest!

You don't want to know how I got this picture, but I'll tell you anyway. I dragged a chair out to the tree but I still couldn't get high enough. I briefly entertained the idea of bringing the ladder out, but decided it would be too much trouble. I held the camera up as high as I could and poked it through the branches. Aimed...and took about 10 pictures to get one that was actually OF the nest and in focus. I have several pictures of branches. ha.

The weather was gorgeous today, so we stayed outside most of the day. I shouldn't have because now I have laundry coming out of my ears, but we couldn't resist. Kate has to go back to U of M tomorrow for post-op testing, so we knew we wouldn't be able to play much tomorrow.

Learning the fine art of blowing dandelion seeds...